Gratitude Affirmations & Morning Gratitude Affirmations

Gratitude Affirmations & Morning Gratitude Affirmations
Authored By Michelle Rojas

A quick way to neutralize negative emotions that will have you feeling low frequency and down is to establish a gratitude practice such as saying morning gratitude affirmations. The frequency of gratitude will help you raise your overall emotional frequency. 

Spiritual coaches and successful people alike will often speak on how practicing morning gratitude affirmations helps set the tone for their day and allows them to appreciate where they are in their journey. Gratitude affirmations are a practice that helps you remember how far you've come in journey and gain appreciation for the many blessings and opportunities you already have.

Practicing positive affirmations like gratitude affirmations is also key in manifesting and creating the life of your dreams. Gratitude is often is said to be the frequency of abundance. The more you thank the Divine powers, The Universe, your ancestors, your guides and God for the many blessings you already have, the more open you will be to receiving even more in life.

gratitude affirmations

Morning Gratitude Affirmations

When you first wake up, you have the opportunity to speak to yourself and decide how you want to being your day. Many people will implement meditation into their daily morning routine to being their morning practicing mindfulness.

After meditation, expressing morning gratitude affirmations is another way to tap into consciousness and begin your day at a high vibration and frequency.

Some simple examples of morning gratitude affirmations are:

◻️ I am grateful for waking up to see another day.

◻️ I appreciate everything I have in my life.

◻️ I am thankful for the people that love and support me on my journey.

◻️ I am thankful for the challenges in my life that have allowed me to learn and grow.

◻️ I am thankful for my dreams and am excited for what is yet to come.

Gratitude Affirmations & Gratitude Practices

A simple way to get into gratitude practices and gratitude affirmations is to speak either aloud or in your mind a few gratitude statements.

You can implement this into any part of your day when you may be feeling anxious or stresses or uncertain of what your future may hold. With current world events, it is easy to feel these negative emotions, but we want to bring ourselves and our frequency back up and gratitude affirmations can help you do this.

You can start by simply stating 3 things you are grateful for in the present moment. 

Other people prefer to see their statements so they will write them down in a journal every day.

Another common practice is to write your gratitude affirmations on post it notes and place them on a mirror in your bathroom or bedroom where you will see them.

You can experiment with these different types of gratitude practices and gratitude affirmations to figure out what works best for you and what comes the most natural to fit into your daily routine. 



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