March Affirmations 2021 - Affirmations for March 2021

March Affirmations 2021 - Affirmations for March 2021
Authored By Michelle Rojas

We made it through February and now it's a new month - an opportunity to set new goals and intentions and reflect on lessons and growth from the previous month. In March, we have the sun in Pisces at the beginning of the month and then it goes into Aries on March 21st so we see influences of Pisces season and the fiery Aries energy. Below are some March Affirmations:

march affirmations 2021

March Affirmations #1

I honor my health needs and prioritize rest so I can recharge physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically.

March is a month where we feel how every cell in our body is evolving. We must remind ourselves of wholeness and look at our overall health that way. Take a moment to ask yourself how you're feeling - physically, mentally, emotionally an energetically.

Literally take a moment and ask your body and yourself how you are doing and how you are feeling. Try to meditate and do this as well. Listen to yourself and do what you need to do to recharge whether that is rest, time by yourself, reading, creating - whatever it is you feel you need.

March Affirmations #2

I am aligned with my purpose and am unapologetic about living my life accordingly.

As we evolve spiritually, we become clearer on our purpose. We start to shy away from things, environments and people hat aren't aligned with our true purpose. Be unapologetic about this, acknowledge your purpose and move accordingly. The more authentically and intentionally you live, the more you feel in tune with yourself and you will not only be raising your personal frequency but the one of those around you.

March Affirmations #3

I will set healthy boundaries so I am able to be mindful and intentional about my healing.

When we become more intentionally and clear on our purpose, we realize that we must set healthy boundaries to be aligned. There are situations, things, people or places that may cause us to be triggered, but instead of avoiding these things, we need to be more reflective about our triggers and responses. Triggers and emotional responses are messages for ourselves that help us become aware of traumas and things we still need to heal. We need to surround ourselves with energy that will help us in our healing journey rather than keep us returning to negative energy without moving forward. 

Let us know if you have any personal March affirmations that you feel speak to you this month. Here's to a new month full of health, healing and purpose. 

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